Hot Tub Chemicals & Water Testing
Chemical Management
- Upon fill up:
1. Add 2oz of Chlorine directly to water
2. Pour 2 oz. of Stain & Scale Control directly into water
3. Insert Mineral Cartridge into filter or skimmer bag.
4. Test and adjust Calcium Hardness with Calcium Booster if necessary
5. Wait at least 12 hours and check Ph with Test Strip
6. Adjust Ph as necessary with pH Increaser or Decreaser
- After Each Use:
1. Add approximately ½ – 1 oz (with ClearRay, double without) of chlorine directly to water
- Weekly Maintenance:
1. Check Ph with Test Strip and adjust as necessary
2. Add 2 oz. of Stain & Scale Control directly to water
3. Add 2 oz. (per 250 gallons) of Spa Shock directly to water or super chlorinate with 2 oz. (per 350 gallons) of Spa 56
4. Check Chlorine Levels with test strip
- Monthly:
1. Apply Cover Care & Conditioner to cover to protect from UV rays
2. Remove filters from the spa. Rinse filters thoroughly and reinstall them into the spa.
- As needed:
1. Add 2 oz. of Enhanced Shock if water is cloudy
2. Add 2 oz. of Enzyme if the spa develops a scum line around the water
3. Add 2 oz. of Defoamer if water is excessively foamy
- Every 3-4 months:
1. Drain spa and wipe down the shell with a cotton towel. Once dry, apply a thin layer of Fast Gloss to the shell, allow 15 minutes to dry, and wipe off with a clean cotton towel.
2. Remove filters from the spa. Use filter cleaning spray and allow filters to soak for at least 20 minutes. Rinse filters thoroughly and reinstall them into the spa.
3. Refill spa and refer to the Upon fill-up portion above
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